Tuesday, November 27, 2012

blog post 13

Back to the future

This video was posted by a teacher named Brian Crosby. The video explains how he incorporated technology into his classroom. Most of the students in his class spoke English as a second language. Each student in his class was required to have a blog so that they could embed videos of themselves. Mr. Crosby had his students record a hot air balloon experiment involving their "high hopes". The balloon experiment created confidence in all of his students. The video also received comments for other people.

A Vision of Students Today

Chalkboards are becoming outdated as technology demand increases. Student don’t want to sit in an over packed classroom watching a teacher write a boring lesson on the chalkboard. Most students would rather play on their ipads or cell phone. Since most student already own these devises teachers should allow students to use them to learn. Many schools are not able to afford computers for each student. Allow students to bring their own computers and smart phones could help benefit classrooms. Teachers would be able to expand their lessons and make them more current with the internet. Computers and smart phones offer visual pictures and different resource. Most site on the internet are free and user friendly.

I believe the message that “A Vision of Students Today” is trying to teach educators the important of using technology in the classroom. Computers and cellphones call be used to help students learn at their own pace and have fun at the same time. Students are going to use smart phones and tablets in school whether they are ban or not. Teachers should just allow students to use them in a positive way. Students are communicating, sending pictures to each other, using social media and social networking, and consuming information on a daily bases anyway. Teachers should use social media and messaging as a way to communicate with their students and allow students to collaborate with each other using these devices. Different views on the same subject can be helpful for students.

The video screams for teachers to start covering relevant material and let students uses updated technology in the classroom. Smart phones and computers can instantly link students to current information. Teachers shouldn't be afraid to allow student to use their technology if they are using them for an educational purpose.

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