Monday, October 1, 2012

blog post 6

In this video, Dr. Randy Pausch discussed several methods of teaching. At the beginning, he mentioned getting the fundamentals done first. Students need to understand that learning can be fun even though it is hard work. A student needs to learn his alphabet before he learns how to read or they need to know their numbers before they can do math.

In my opinion higher learning evolves from lower levels. This means that the small lesson must be learned in other to learn bigger lessons.

Mr. Pausch certainly have left an amazing legacy for himself, and I am quite thankful that I was able to watch it. Although he died at the age of 47 for cancer, he left a lot of wonderful lesson for us all. Their where numerous lessons that I learned while watching this video.The three most important things that I learned from that speech was to never give up, help others, and to be truthful.
In addition, I will be sure to incorporate other such lessons that Mr. Pausch mentioned, such as always bring something to the table, strive to have high expectations, never give up, show humility, and work hard. If all teachers were like Mr. Pausch, we would have less people dropping out of school, less people going to jail, and other positive situations would transpire out of his encouraging profound influence. I love the "head fake" teaching method . He also reminded me that you can't get any where far in this world, alone. For many years, that was my mistake, I truly thought that I didn't need any extra help, nor did I understand the great impact that my fellow classmates could have on my education. In essence, I will be sure to not only teach my students, but I will also learn from them, as well. Like the video, "The Last Lecture", I will teach by example meaning, I will show them I care for them first, then enforce positive actions, and then implement the same actions with in myself, every single day! I also enjoyed when he spoke about "keeping your child hood imagination alive". I loved this particular segment, because I am a fan of, "thinking big" and I have an awesome imagination. This type of attitude can become contagious in your classroom, which is exactly what we are trying to accomplish as future teachers. Overall, Mr. Randy is teaching us the values of good character skills, and who wouldn't want to be remembered by that significant title? Live right, sew good seeds, and you will reap great benefits, this was the main point that I gathered from this intense yet, adorable unforgettable moment. Life is short to let it go to waste.

1 comment:

  1. "In my opinion higher learning evolves from lower levels. This means that the small lesson must be learned in other to learn bigger lessons." My guess is that your opinion is not unique! I think you mean order, not other to learn bigger lessons.

    "certainly have left an amazing legacy..." has, not have The noun is singular.

    "... he died at the age of 47 for cancer..." he died of cancer, not for cancer.

    "...wonderful lesson for us all." lessons, not lesson

    "Their where numerous lessons." There, not their; were, not where

    "this video.The three ..." You need a space after the period.

    "...have less people dropping out ..." "less people going to jail" fewer, not less in both instances. Do you know the difference between the instances where you would use fewer or less? I don't think so. Look it up in a good grammar book such as Walsh and Walsh, Plain English Handbook.

    "...would transpire out of his encouraging profound influence." Awkward. In fact, so awkward I do not know what you mean.

    " can't get any where far.. anywhere, not any where. In fact, this is a very awkward sentence. Try rewriting it.

    "...learn from them, as well." Remove the comma.

    "I will teach by example meaning, I will show them I care for them first, then enforce positive actions, and then implement the same actions with in myself,..." Rewrite: I will teach by example. I will show my students [them has no antecedent in the material you have written. I am guessing you mean your students. Readers should never have to guess what your pronouns refer to.]that I care for them. [I don't know how to rewrite your next clause because I do not know what you mean by enforce positive actions.] In the next clause with in should be within.

    "... exactly what we are trying to accomplish as future teachers." Whom does "we" include?

    "...Mr. Randy..." Dr. Pausch, not "Mr. Randy".

    " be remembered by that significant title" What title? You mention no title in this sentence (or elsewhere in your post as far as I can tell).

    "...right, sew good seeds..." It might be hard to thread them into your needle or sewing machine. Why not use sow instead?

    "...and you will reap great benefits, this was the main point..." the comma should be a period and this should be capitalized since it will start a new sentence.

    "Life is short to let it go to waste." This does not make sense. Maybe you meant Life is too short to let it go to waste."

    You need help with your writing. Either go to the Writing Lab in Alpha East or email Richard Howell, a former EDM310 student who has volunteered to help students with their writing. If you go to the Writing Lab in Alpha East, have them contact me. If you email Richard, send me a copy of your email. You MUST do one or the other. This is a requirement. Richard would probably be able to provide you with the most help.

    I am sending you a special email of this comment and it will have Richard's email address on it. He will NOT contact you. You must initiate the conversation by emailing him.

