I think that a good assignment could have been for us to find a blog or web paper of a teacher that teaches the grade level that we hope to teach. Follow that teach to find out some interesting facts about the grade level that we hope to teach.
I plan on becoming a first grade teacher. I found a good blog called “The first grade parade”. The blog is maintained by a first grade teacher named Cara Carroll. The blog contains a lot of useful information that I can use once I become a teacher. The blog has links to freebies, pintable’s and lesson plan templates. Mrs. Cara also gives a lot of great ideals on topics that First grade teacher have to teach. For example she gives fun and creative ideas on how to celebrate the 100th day of school. She also shares ideals of how to teach certain topics such as alliteration, Cinco de Mayo and earth day. She shares fun activity for many different topics. Once I become a new teacher I would visit this blog often to get ideas for activity for my classroom. I want to keep my students engaged in fun activity so that they can enjoy class.
Very good idea. I'll add it to C4T. I want to expose students to more grade levels, however since they will probably have to teach grades other than the ones they want (at least for a while) if they hope to get a job. Despite the hype, jobs are scarce.